The Story of Joseph, Part 10 (Genes 42)

Joseph knew their language, but he spoke to his brothers in the Egyptian language through an interpreter. They could not understand the Egyptian language, but he could understand them. Do you think they were the same wicked brothers that had hated Joseph or do you think God had changed their hearts over the years? Maybe that’s what Joseph was trying to find out in this first meeting with his brothers. Of course, Joseph also wanted to see his father and younger brother, and he probably was making plans for that to happen as well. “Where do you come from?” he asked in a rough voice. His brothers answered, “From the land of Canaan to buy food.” Joseph then accused them of being spies, but they told him they were a family of twelve brothers. They said that one brother was not, referring to Joseph, and the youngest brother was in Canaan with their father. Joseph again accused them of spying out the land to see where it was unprotected. He put them all in prison, but on the third day Joseph said to them, “Do this and you will live, for I fear God: If you are honest men, let one of your brothers stay here in prison, while the rest of you go and take grain back for your starving families. But you must bring your youngest brother to me, so that your words may be proven, and you will not die.” Boys and girls, do think Joseph’s brothers will bring Benjamin back to Egypt to meet with Joseph? Do you think Jacob will allow his youngest son to return to Egypt?

Questions for Kids that Like a Challenge

  • Look them up Questions:

  • He spoke to them through an interpreter.
    They had to bring their youngest brother, Benjamin, back to Joseph.

    • Think About it Question:

      There is a Bible verse that says '...and be sure your sin will find you out.' What does that verse mean, and do you think it will happen to Joseph’s brothers?

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