The Story of Gideon and 300 Brave Men, Part 1 (Judges 6)

Gideon lived in the days when God raised up judges to deliver his people from their enemies. It was not a good time in the history of the people of Israel. When they sinned against God, he punished them by allowing enemies to come into their land and treat them very cruelly. Then when the people asked God to forgive them of their sins and cried out for mercy God sent judges to deliver them. This happened many times over and over. The people had to learn some very hard lessons about how God hates sin and will not protect those who live ungodly lives. During the days of Gideon a people call the Midianites invaded the land every year just at the time of harvest and carried away nearly all the crops of grain. The Israelites had no food left for themselves. God allowed this to happen for seven years because his people had been worshipping a false god called Baal. When the people cried out to God for mercy, an angel came to Gideon and told him to go and save his people from the Medianites. Gideon said he was not able to fight against them, but the Lord said to him “Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Mediantes as one man.” That same night the Lord told Gideon to tear down the altar of Baal and destroy the place where the people worshipped him. Gideon obeyed God, and God’s Spirit was upon him. He blew a trumpet to call the people of Israel together to fight against the Medianites. Gideon was a man of faith, but before he faced the battle he wanted to be sure God was on his side. Do you know what Gideon did to be sure God was on his side? Have you ever heard of Gideon’s fleece? Will you come back tomorrow for more of the story?

Questions for Kids that Like a Challenge

  • Look them up Questions:

  • The Midianites
    They cried out to God for help and mercy.
    It was called a fleece.

    • Think About it Question:

      If the people of Israel cried out to God for mercy and he saved them from their enemies, do you think God will save people today if they cry out to him for mercy?

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