The Story of Adam & Eve, Part 3 (Genesis 3)

God warned Adam and Eve not to eat fruit from the tree that was in the middle of the garden, but they did it anyway. Here’s a short version of what happened. Among the animals in the Garden of Eden, there was a snake. The devil talked through the snake and asked Eve a question. “Did God tell you not to eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden?” Eve answered, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but God warned us not to eat fruit from the tree that is in middle of the garden because we will die if we do.” The devil then accused God of lying to them and told them they would not die if they ate the forbidden fruit. He told Eve that God didn’t want them to eat fruit from the tree because it would make them wise like God. Did the devil tell a lie when he accused God of lying? He certainly did, and he did it because he hates God and always wants to destroy the relationship between God and his people. Let that be a warning to all of us to never believe the devil’s lies. The sad thing is that Eve believed him, and she ate the forbidden fruit. She also gave some to Adam, and he ate it as well. Tomorrow, we will learn the horrible consequences of Adam’s and Eve’s sin.

Questions for Kids that Like a Challenge

  • Look them up Questions:

  • It was in the middle of the garden.
    He talked through a serpent or snake.
    He hates God and always wants to destroy the relationship between God and his people.
    She gave some to Adam, and he ate it as well.

    • Think About it Question:

      What happens when people listen to the devil’s lies?

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