The Story of Abraham, Part 6 (Genesis 22)

Abraham was not perfect, but God forgave him and helped him overcome his mistakes and sins. I think the best thing we can say about Abraham is that he really believed God and he obeyed God. Today’s Bible Story proves it. Sometimes, Abraham’s faith was tested. For example, God promised that Abraham and Sarah would have a son. That didn’t happen right away, and they soon became too old to have children. Did God still keep his promise? Yes, God performed a miracle and gave them a child in their old age. Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old when their son, Isaac, was born. The Bible says there was a lot of joy, happiness, and laughing when Isaac was born; but after Isaac had grown into a young man, God tested Abraham’s faith and obedience once again. It would be the biggest test of his life. God told him to offer Isaac up as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah. Now Abraham believed that if Isaac was sacrificed, God would raise him from the dead for God had already promised to make a great nation through Isaac, his son. Abraham started to offer up Isaac, but God stopped him and provided a substitute ram as an offering. God didn’t really want Abraham to sacrifice his son, but he wanted to prove that Abraham was a man that believed and obeyed God. Here’s something important to think about. Did you know that what Abraham was willing to do, God himself actually did? God loves us so much that 2000 years later and on the same Mt. Moriah, God gave his son, Jesus, to die on a cross as a sacrifice to save us from our sins. I want to always believe and obey God just as Abraham did. What about you?

Questions for Kids that Like a Challenge

  • Look them up Questions:

  • He really believed God, and he obeyed God.
    Yes, God preformed a miracle and gave them a child in their old age.
    God provided a ram.
    He gave his son, Jesus, to die on a cross as a sacrifice to save us from our sins.

    • Think About it Question:

      Do you want to always believe and obey God just as Abraham did?

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