The Story of Adam & Eve, Part 1 (Found in Genesis 2)

When God created Adam there were no cars, no airplanes, no phones or computers. In fact, at first there was only Adam and the animals. Of course, everything God created was very good, but Adam was a special creation and different from all the animals. The Bible says he was created in God’s own image, and God put him in charge of everything. Adam lived in a large and very beautiful garden called The Garden of Eden. He took care of the garden and ate the delicious fruit that grew there. He even gave names to all the animals. I’m sure Adam liked the animals, but he needed a special companion. God said it was not good for the man to be alone; that’s when God put Adam to sleep, and took one of his ribs, and created Eve to be his wife. I’m sure it was a very exciting and happy day for Adam. Now here’s something important. God told Adam and Eve they could eat the fruit of all the trees in the garden except one tree that was in the middle of the garden. God warned them that if they ate fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would die. Do you think they will obey God’s command? Please answer “Yes” or “No,” and come back tomorrow to find out if you are right.

Questions for Kids that Like a Challenge

  • Look them up Questions:

  • Adam
    He was created in God’s own image.
    The Garden of Eden
    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    • Think About it Question:

      What do you think life would be like without cars, airplanes, phones, and computers?

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