The Story of Noah and the Flood, Part 3 (Genesis 6)

God told Noah that all the wicked people on earth would be destroyed with a great flood that would cover even the highest mountains. Noah followed the plans God gave him to build the giant boat which was called an ark. We are told that it was about 450 feet long (that’s as long as a football field and half of another football field put together). It was also 75 feet wide and 45 feet tall. The ark was so big that it took Noah and his sons 120 years to build it. It had three decks with lots of rooms where they would keep all the animals and enough food to feed them for a long time. Many ungodly people probably looked on as the ark was being built by Noah and his family. Do you think they mocked and made fun of Noah for building such a large boat on dry land? How could the boat float without water? The Bible calls Noah “a preacher of righteousness,” and I think he warned the people that a great flood was coming. I think he wanted them to repent of their sins so they could also enter the ark of safety God was preparing for his family. Do you think anyone listened to him? Tomorrow we will learn who and what entered the ark before the flood came.

Questions for Kids that Like a Challenge

  • Look them up Questions:

  • They would be destroyed by a great flood.
    It would cover even the highest mountains.
    It had to be large enough to keep all the animals and enough food to feed them for a long time.
    It took 120 years.

    • Think About it Question:

      How do you think the wicked people on earth responded when they saw Noah building a giant boat on dry ground?

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